burst in的用法与搭配
v. 闯入,打断,突然出现;闯进
闯进 闯入
- Japan 's productivity slumped after its bubble burst in the early 1990s .
- 自20世纪90年代早期经济泡沫破灭之后,日本生产力大幅下挫。
- The first is the path followed by japan after its bubble burst in the early 1990s .
- 第一个警告是,日本在其泡沫于1990年代初期破裂后的经历。
- The inflation-fear bubble will burst in due course .
- 这个由于担心通胀而起来的泡沫会在适当的时候破灭。
- The most notable bursts are in the first two or three years of life during puberty and also a final burst in young adulthood .
- 最显著的爆发性成长发生在生命中的头两三年和青春期,在成年早期还有最后一次爆发。
- The shells burst in the air billowing white smoke before dropping the phosphorus shell .
- 一些炮弹在以军投掷白磷弹前就于空中爆炸,散发出大量的白色烟雾。
- A burst in economic growth could bring the rate down faster .
- 一个突发经济增长率可能会使增长率下降更快。
- They burst in on me while I was working .
- 我正在干活时他们突然来了,打断了我的工作。
- The last deflation scare after the internet bubble burst in 2000 turned out to be a false alarm .
- 上一次拉响通缩警报是在2000年互联网泡沫破裂后,后来证明那只是“狼来了”。
- Burst in and insult usfor no reason ?
- 毫无理由的闯进来侮辱咱们?
- He burst in upon our conversation .
- 他打断了我们的话。